Dive deeper into wānanga - Rangi Mātāwai. Register now

Rangi Matauru

The cost for this course is $1035 inclusive of GST.

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If you are working in a Hauora Māori organisation, living in Aotearoa and currently employed, you may be eligible to funding through Te Aka Whaiora. Use this link to apply. 

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Payment through instalments. 

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Rangi Matauru - Becoming a Mataora

Online training with responsive email support

Rangi Matauru- Becoming a Mataora is an online Mahi a Atua course with prerecorded lessons allowing you to complete each wahanga at your own pace over a 16 week period.

You will become a Mataora, deliberately shaping your journey with indigenous Maori strategies. Learn in a unique and meaningful way with critical thinking and creativity. Analyse your world as it is now and powerfully shape your future.

Programme Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Karakia
  3. Taku Whare Wānanga - Discovering you
  4. Tuia te Taiao - Finding your position in your world
  5. Whakapapa of Emotions
  6. Whakapapa of Knowledge
  7. Creating a Culture of Change


Arotake (Evaluation): Rangi Matauru & Rangi Parauri

The pūrākau of Mataora, tells the story of an ariki (high chief) who had believed he was not accountable to anybody. However, guided by the love he had for his wife, Niwareka, Mataora became a kaitiaki for changing attitudes, beliefs and behaviour; firstly, his own and then actively influencing changes in those around him. Niwareka, who was gifted with all the healing properties of her tīpuna, would heal Mataora and play an important part in Mataora’s recovery. Guided by the knowledge embedded in the pūrākau of Mataora and Niwareka, Te Whare Wānanga o Te Kurahuna understands that addressing equity for Māori requires a uniquely transformative indigenous approach immersed in Te Ao Māori.


Te Aka Whai Ora is supporting Te Kurahuna to deliver Rangi Matauru and Rangi Parauri Mataora training to clinical and non-clinical Māori hauora workers. Included in this is an arotake (evaluation). As tauira in Rangi Matauru and/or Rangi Parauri you play a key role in deepening our understanding of how the Mataora workforce is growing Indigenous innovation and change in Aotearoa.

Hei Mahi (Arotake Activities)

Ways you may contribute to the arotake include:

¨ Key themes emerging from tauira Ahi Kaa and other online mahi (e.g. Mahi Motuhake)

¨ Online surveys after completing Rangi Matauru and Rangi Parauri

¨ Hongihongi te wheiwheiā wānanga as part of Rangi Parauri

¨ Mahi completed as part of Rangi Parauri Zoom Vision wānanga

¨ Being part of a smaller group where the arotake team will collectively wānanga with your rōpū over a longer period of time (‘cohort’ rōpū)

As a tauira in Rangi Matauru and Rangi Parauri training, you are making a major contribution to system transformation in Aotearoa. The arotake is embedded in Mahi a Atua principles, and acknowledges and respects you, and all you whakapapa to. You, and any information you provide as part of the arotake will be treated with integrity and respect.

Data for the arotake will be analysed and key overall themes identified. Raw data collected specifically for the purposes of the arotake will be securely stored and accessible only to the kaimahi arotake. Collective sense-making processes which include Te Kurahuna kaimahi will take place only after data has been analysed to identify overall themes. Arotake report/s will be made available to you via the Mahi a Atua website.

The final report/s will likely include direct quotes from the arotake activities listed above. If you decide you do not wish to be quoted in the final report/s you will need to inform us prior to registering for the training.

Kaimahi leading out the arotake are Mataora who have completed Rangi Parauri training. They are Dr Michelle Levy (Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta) & Lisa Cherrington (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine).

If you have any concerns/feedback regarding the arotake, you are welcome to contact us at info@tekurahuna.com


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